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Documentary ET Contact: They Are Here


ET Contact: They Are Here is a movie starring Joe Cerletti. ET CONTACT: THEY ARE HERE documents the jaw-dropping stories of individuals from around the world who share similar accounts of extraterrestrial and otherworldly. country - USA. Actor - Joe Cerletti. duration - 1Hour 37Min. Tomatometer - 7,6 / 10 Star.

There are probably more plantes out there with intelligent life than what there is stars in the sky and we have absolutely no idea because of how vast space really is.

I think that we are one of the aliens science projects.

Et contact 3a they are here download.

Et contact 3a they are here full. If they can do interstellar travel, they surely know that war is stupid by now. Humans would probably destroy themselves before the aliens get here. Our planet already has aliens trying to destroy our culture, they're called liberal progressives. Et contact they are here (2017. They been hear they see us. All because I was hanfe bible's... Primitive Civilization Alert: Insert Knife and Fork Here Our radiosphere is only 250 ly in diameter, they'd have to be within that range to detect us. Well here is the thing with this myth of aliens attacking. Well, the thing is, no aliens will be attacking as there are no aliens and the sooner people realize it, the sooner they can get out into space and colonize it. This fanciful suggestion that aliens are all around us, the drake formula and other crap pot ideas are proven time and time again to be incorrect and quite frankly wrong. Fanciful thinking. NASA have been receiving odd radio signals from another galaxy some 1.5bn light years from Earth. Now if there are all these supposed alien species in the galaxy then do you not think that they, so NASA would have picked up signals in our own Galaxy first, before picking up radio signals from another Galaxy, even though those signals in the other Galaxy are likely to be a neutron star or something similar that does things differently than in our Galaxy. Do you follow what I am saying and where I am going with this. There is F all out their in our realm of existence. Sure, other dimensions, probably teaming with life, but here in this realm, we are it as a supposed intelligent species and I will not be intimidated or forced to hear anyone elses views on it. The proof is, that there was once an advanced civilization on Earth, possibly a Type II. They are long gone and only a handful of people on this planet maintain their genealogy. This is not the white man that has this genealogy by the way, before some of you think you are supreme. They were not aliens that once inhabited Earth, or the people before them and so on and so on. So the QUESTION is: Why if they can pick up a signal 1.5bn light years way in a completely different Galaxy, but unable to pick up or trace any signals in our own Galaxy. Does that not prove to you all that F all exists of intelligence in our own Galaxy yet. Do you still need convincing that we are alone. If you want you're aliens and other oddities, then you best start working on how to use you're mind to tap into the other frequencies, aka dimensions that exist. That is where you're aliens are, if at all they even exist in other dimensions, which I am sure they do. Not saying how and why I know this, but I have given you the answers. As far as I am concerned, no aliens exist in our Galaxy and if NASA can pick up radio signals 1.5bn light years from Earth, then where are all these supposed hundreds of thousands of alien species in between here and the other Galaxy. Do you get what I am saying, lol. It is almost as if they have told you the truth, but still you people will ignore it.

That there maybe microbial life on many other planets, there is a very high possibility, but for intelligent life requires very long term stability of climate, and the possibility of that happening as it did on Earth is very very that is only considering low as we know it.

Send a gopro through a black hole on a rope then pull it back out to see what's inside 😕😂. How cool it will be if the aliens actually come to earth to make friends😍. If aliens did suddenly show themselves, they had already been here long before. Scouts, spies, and infiltrators first. Get a clue. Calculated aggression is a constant. Extra-testical beings 😀😁😂. Et contact they are here documentary. Who's to say a alien life even have a concept of conflict, colonization, invasions? I like to think that's our planets lifeforms traits so like America has different traits to Iraq, the animal kingdom, right down to a bacterial level... they may not even have a feeling of curiosity, sences, brains or intelligence or live under elements we claim to be in ours. So when we watch the movie Independence Day if it ever becomes to... it will probably be us forcing ourselves and our concepts, sences, views upon alien life, let's face facts we live and are involved in a VERY destructive ecosystem.

We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender. Winston Churchill. Well considering the further away you get the further back in time things look because of the speed of the light we might not even exist to 'them' and they might think that we are just a particle in the middle of nowhere. The wall just got 10ft higher. ESA = EXTRA SECRET ALIENS :P. Yes, eyes and legs would be useful. So would fangs, claws, impenetrable hide, toxic venom or be really aggressive, because they are useful as well.

Et contact they are here documentary cory. Et contact : they are here torrent. Et contact they are here movie. Some extraterrestrials being indistinguishable from human beings: Like Superman. Just research. Like how we get ideas. that all it really is. 5:03 - Why are we showing an image of Pluto but talking about Mars.


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